National Team

The ambition of the Irish Olympic Handball Association is to have National teams at all age levels competing in European Handball Federation (EHF) and International Handball Federation (IHF) competitions.

The senior Men’s National team most recently competed in the 2nd IHF Emerging Nations Trophy in Bulgaria and has previously competed in the qualification rounds of the European Championships and in IHF/EHF Challenge Trophies.
In August 2018 an Irish Men’s U-18 team competed in the EHF Championship for the 1st time, the tournament took place in Austria.


Playing for Ireland 

Criteria to represent Ireland (International Handball Federation).

6.2 Player eligibility in case of multiple nationalities

A player who holds more than one nationality and who complies with 6.1., is eligible to officially represent one of those countries if:

a) he was born in the territory of the federation concerned or

b) his biological mother or biological father were born in the territory of the federation concerned or

c) he has been living in the territory of the federation concerned for more than 36 consecutive months.

d) A national team playing in an official match of the International Handball Federation may have only three players on its team who have received the nationality of that country by naturalisation or by any other means after having reached the age of sixteen (16). This provision also applies to any player having the right to acquire a second nationality at birth but who did not use this right until after having reached the age of sixteen (16).

If you are eligable and would like to play for the Irish National team then register your interest 

Register Interest