IOHA attendance at the 16th Ordinary EHF Congress

Sep 19 2023,

The 16th Ordinary European Handball Federation Congress took place recently in Basel, Switzerland and Michael Moloney, Secretary General was the delegate of the Irish Olympic Handball Association.


IOHA President, Fintan Lyons was also in attendance as a member of the EHF Nations Board for men.

The Congress was opened with a welcoming speech from the hosts, the Swiss handball federation and was followed by a speech from the International Handball Federation President, Dr. Hassan Moustafa. EHF President, Michael Wiederer addressed the delegates and the issue of the invitation that was extended to the federations of Russia and Belarus was addressed. This had been an area of concern for many of the attending federations ahead of the Conference.

The main business of the Conference was the presentation of the reports from the various technical and legal Commissions followed by the debate around the various motions that were presented for consideration at the Congress.

A full report on the business of the Congress is available by clicking here.

Being in Basel with 43 other National Federations gave the IOHA representatives the opportunity to network and discuss common issues facing smaller or “Emerging” nations.

The IOHA met with representatives from the English, Scottish and British handball federations to discuss the Celtic Cup and other initiatives.