
Why Be a Coach?

Wherever there is an athlete, there is also a coach. Some coaches start as athletes, however, most are parents, teachers, sports fans, and community members who want to be part of a sport they love and make a contribution. 

Coaches inspire players to excel. They lead while building tomorrow’s leaders. When you coach, you encourage players to be active, to challenge themselves mentally and physically, and to have fun. Coaching offers enormous benefits to those who coach as well as the player.

Some of the things that learn how to do include:-

  • Build planning skills
  • Create engaging activities for players
  • Help players get fit (with the opportunity to stay active themselves)
  • Teach important physical skills
  • Promote safety in the sport
  • Promote diversity and inclusion
  • Teach respectful behaviour
  • Help players improve their performance and build confidence
  • Learn effective ways to persuade, offer constructive criticism, and provide advice

Ready to start? Take the first step on your coaching pathway with our National Coaching Program. 

Coaching Courses


Level-0 Coaching

The Irish Olympic Handball Association is seeking expressions of interest from individuals interested in participating in the associations Level 0 coaching courses.

Coaching Ireland logoEuropean Handball Federation logo

These courses are open to teachers, former players or anyone else interested in becoming a handball coach. The IOHA Level 0 coaching award is recognised by Coaching Ireland and throughout Europe by the European Handball Federation.

The course has the duration of 6 hours and it can be delivered in person.

Enquiries can be send to

The cost of the course is €50 
Limited places available!

Level-1 Coaching

The Level-1 Coaching Course is currently the highest available handball coaching award delivered in Ireland as is recognised by Sport Ireland, Coaching Ireland, The European Handball Federation and the International Handball Federation.

Coaching Ireland logo European Handball Federation logoIHF logo

The full course has a duration of approximately 25 hours.

Enquiries can be send to

The cost of the course is €150
Limited places available!

Level 2 Coaching

Danish Handball Federation logoThe IOHA is in the process of developing a Level 2 Coaching Award with the assistance of Coaching Ireland, the European Handball Federation and our friends in the Danish Handball Federation.

Interview: Andrea Ongaro, Head Coach Astra Handball Club

Andrea head coach astra handballEveryone asks me if I miss the Verona weather and of course I do, but it wasn’t the weather I missed the most. From primary school, I played Olympic Handball which is very popular across Europe. The only two countries that don’t embrace it are the UK and Ireland so when I came over in 1997 I couldn’t find anywhere to play it...

Read the full interview