Anti-Doping Policy

The spirit of sport is the intrinsic value of sport. The spirit of sport is the celebration of the human spirit, body and mind, and is characterised, amongst other values, by ethics, fair play, honesty, health and respect for, and compliance with, the spirit and letter of rules and laws.

The OHI’s policy is that doping is contrary to the spirit of sport and every member has a duty to ensure that the sport is free of doping.

The OHI is fully committed to ensuring doping has no place in the sport of Handball. The OHI works with Sport Ireland and the International Handball Federation in its anti-doping efforts.

Anti-Doping Rules apply to athletes and athlete support personnel. The Irish Anti-doping Programme seeks to preserve the spirit of sport. By virtue of their participation in OHI activities, members, including minors, agree to abide by the Anti-Doping Rules.

Membership of the OHI means that all athletes may be selected for testing. Your membership of the OHI commits you to agreeing to be tested. In the case of a minor (U/18) the prior written consent of the parent or guardian is required via the initial membership process at Club level, or at selection for competition/training squads or through competition entry forms.

Clubs play an important role in raising awareness for anti-doping. Club management is responsible for promoting an ethos of drug free sport within their club at all levels.


The IOHA advises all members to read and understand your responsibilities under the anti-doping rules.

Irish Anti-Doping Rules
The Anti-Doping Rules of the IOHAare the Irish Anti-Doping Rules.
Under the Irish Anti-Doping Rules, the Irish Sports Council carries out drug testing on behalf of the IOHA.
Full details on the Irish Anti-Doping Programme are available at: Sport Ireland Anti-Doping Rules

International Federation Rules
The IOHA must also adhere to the rules of our International Federation the IHF.
Full details on the International Federation Anti-Doping Programme are available at: IHF Anti-Doping

Athletes/Squad members attending International Events need to check in particular the regulations regarding Therapeutic Use Exemptions (TUE) requirements of the International Federation in relation to competing at International Events, for e.g. if an Irish Sports Council TUE Certificate of Approval is accepted or if an athlete needs to re-apply to the International Federation etc.  Athletes should verify the rules and regulations with their medical officer/ team manager or Anti-Doping Officer.

What do members need to know?
In principle any athlete competing in Handball can be tested so each athlete regardless of the level at which they are competing needs to be aware of the anti-doping rules.

WADA Prohibited List – Checking Medications & TUE Policy

Prohibited List 2025

Prohibited List 2025 Advisory Note

WADA recently released the 2025 WADA Prohibited List, which will come into effect on January 1, 2025. The 2025 List includes changes that athletes and athlete support personnel should be aware of. The full published prohibited list can be found here -…

Below is a summary of the key modifications and clarifications.

S3. Beta-2 Agonists – Inhaled Formoterol

The maximum total daily dose of inhaled formoterol (54 micrograms over 24 hours) remains unchanged. However, from 2025, athletes can only inhale a maximum of 36 micrograms over any 12-hour period before a Therapeutic Use Exemption is required.. There are no changes to the exceptions currently in place for inhaled salbutamol, salmeterol and vilanterol and beta-2 agonists used by all other routes of administration are prohibited at all times. 

M1. Manipulation of Blood - Removal of Apheresis (plasma donation) as a Prohibited Method

The donation of blood or plasma components will no longer be prohibited when performed at an accredited collection centre.  WADA has clarified that this includes blood donation by apheresis which is the medical technology that separates the blood components and returns some of the component back to the donor. Athletes should be aware that documentation of the procedure from a legitimate and accredited donation centre must be available if requested by anti-doping authorities.

New examples, clarifications and additional substances added to the Prohibited List:

S4. Hormone and Metabolic Modulators.

Elacestrant. Added as an example of a prohibited substance prohibited substance and is available as an anti-oestrogen medication.

MOTS-c. Added as a prohibited substance. MOTS-c is an experimental AMP-activated protein kinase activator which is often marketed in wellness settings and on social media as a weight loss peptide. 

S519 and S597: Added as examples of prohibited insulin-mimetics.

S5. Diuretics and Masking Agents.

Xipamide. Added as an example of a prohibited substance.

S6. Stimulants.

Midodrine. Added as an example of a prohibited stimulant and is prescribed in Ireland to treat hypotension. 

Tesofensine. Added as a prohibited stimulant. Tesofensine is more commonly appearing in the ingredients of supplements especially for weight loss. 

Guanfacine. Clarified as a permitted substance and is prescribed as an ADHD treatment. 


Ski and Snowboard Disciplines.

Beta-blockers are no longer prohibited in any skiing or snowboarding events.

Monitoring Program for 2025

WADA has updated the Monitoring Program, listing substances not currently on the Prohibited List but under evaluation for potential misuse. This includes substances marketed in supplements or emerging therapeutic agents. 

Important Athlete Responsibilities

Stay Informed.

Use resources such as the WADA Prohibited List and MedCheck to verify medications and supplements.

Verify Supplements.

Only use supplements tested by batch-testing programs like Informed-Sport.

Seek Guidance.

Consult medical professionals or anti-doping officers if unsure about a substance or method.

The 2025 Summary of Major Modifications and Explanatory Notes should be read to familiarise yourself with the changes -…

Frequently asked questions regarding the Prohibited List can be found through the following link -

For information on the Prohibited List see Sport Ireland Therapeutic Use Exemption
Note: Recreational Drugs are tested in-competition.

Check the status of over-the-counter and prescribed medications in relation to the Prohibited List, based on where you purchase the medication:

Republic of Ireland:
Sport Ireland Anti-Doping Unit are delighted to announce that we will be launching our new medicine checker website. The website will be available via the following URL This resource is where athletes can now check the status in sport of all medication purchased in the ROI. Remember all athletes must check the status of all medication before consumption.

Northern Ireland/ UK/ Canada/ USA:
Medications bought in Northern Ireland, U.K., U.S.A and Canada can be checked on
If a medication is Prohibited, you must check and adhere to the Irish Sports Council TUE Policy at  As per this policy, if you compete at international level, check the IHF TUE Policy at

Sample Collection Procedures


Athletes need to be aware that there are risks associated with the use of sports supplements with many positive drug tests associated with their use.  For more information, read the Irish Sports Council Supplements and Sports Food Policy at Supplements and Herbal Remedies


Registered Testing Pool

Athletes on the Registered Testing Pool receive training from the Irish Sports Council directly, but will also be supported by the IOHA Anti-Doping Officer.  RTP Athletes and RTP Athlete Support Personnel should consult Registered Testing Pool

Report Doping

The  Sport Ireland Anti-Doping Unit can be contacted at:

Anti Doping Unit
Sport Ireland,
The Courtyard,
Sport Ireland Campus,
Snugborough Road,
Dublin 15,

Tel +353 1 8608800 

Brief Guide to Anti-Doping 2022

Sport Ireland is the organisation responsible fo the management of the Irish Sports Anti-Doping Programme on behalf of the National Governing Bodies (NGBs) of Sport in Ireland.

This document is designed as a brief overview of key aspects of Anti-Doping.

Brief Guide to Anti-Doping 2022

Who to ask for further information?

For any queries regarding anti-doping in the OHI please contact the OHI Anti-Doping Officer

Mr. Michael Moloney
T: 01 6251165 (OHI Office)